
Applications are welcome from March 1 - August 15.

For attendance in Denmark, non-EU applicants are encouraged to apply early to allow time for acquiring Danish residency. After acceptance and deposit payment, South Gate will email you a signed ST1 residence permit application form to start your visa process. For more information, visit New to Denmark.

EU residents and citizens, including those with dual citizenship, must also register for residency but can generally complete this process upon arrival in Denmark.

Please prepare the following materials before applying. We look forward to reading your work!

Résumé or CV

Provide a résumé or curriculum vitae (CV) that describes your education, work experience, any publications, and ancillary information and awards: 1-3 pages.

Personal Statement

Specify your motivation for applying, projects you would like to develop, your writing goals, and your expectations of the degree program. As the program is taught in English, this essay must be written in English: 3 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt, Times New Roman, English language.

Writing Sample

Submit samples of work that best represent you as an author and artist. This may include samples of short stories, chapters, poems, book proposals, scripts, illustrations, or other works: maximum 20 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt, Times New Roman, English language.


Provide copies of your transcripts for upper secondary/high school and above. If graduating this summer, you may provide your final transcript after submitting your application.

Letters of Recommendation

Provide two (2) letters of recommendation including at least one from an academic reference. You may provide these after submitting your application. Include contact information: full name, organization, address, phone number, and professional e-mail address.

Apply Now

(Google account required)

Or talk to us

Do you have questions or comments about South Gate School or the application process? Feel free to ask or tell us anything. We look forward to hearing from you!

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