The Price

Tuition to South Gate Creative Writing School is 30,000 Danish kroner per semester, or 60,000 DKK per academic year, subject to any applicable payment service fees. Tuition is usually paid in monthly installments.

Financial Assistance

Students facing financial hardship are encouraged to apply to South Gate Creative Writing School anyway, and seek financial assistance if you are accepted. Students have access to grants, scholarships, and other local and regional sources of financial aid that may apply. Feel free to contact SGS to discuss your options.

Payment Terms

Upon acceptance into the program, you will have 30 days to pay a deposit of 5,000 DKK to reserve your place at the school. This fee is subtracted from your total tuition cost upon graduation, and is otherwise non-refundable.

Upon enrolling for a given school year, you are agreeing to pay that year’s tuition in full. Each year’s tuition is non-refundable.

Monthly payments are invoiced and due within 30 days of receipt. The first payment is due July 1. Discounts are available for a full year or semester’s payment in advance.

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